sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015


En una reciente entrevista para CBS sobre su nueva película Concussion, el actor Will Smith se ha mostrado interesado en comenzar una carrera política que le lleve a ser presidente de los EEUU.

 "If people keep saying all the crazy kinds of stuff they've been saying on the news lately about walls and Muslims, they're going to force me into the political arena."
"I mean, I gotta be the President. Come on!"
" That something might just be attempting to find a home in the Oval Office, as Smith has realized, "There was no way [he] was put here just to be a movie star."

Sería genial que el Príncipe de Bel Air alcanzase la Casa Blanca. Obama no lo hace mal, pero él lo haría mejor.

Suicide Squad se estrena el 5 de agosto del 2016.

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