viernes, 22 de enero de 2016


La actriz Lana Condor ha dicho su papel como Jubilee en X-Men: Apocalypse, que a diferencia de como en los cómics de los X-Men, Jubilee tiene el poder de lanzar fuegos artificiales, en la película tiene el poder de lanzar fuego de plasma eléctrico. Ha comentado que lleva en la escuela del Prof. Xavier 10 años y que a diferencia de otros personajes, ella no será nueva alumna. Junto con Scott, Jean y Kodi (Nightcrawler) son un grupo de amigos dentro de la escuela. Y también ha comentado que el aspecto ochentero es debido a que la película transcurre en los años 80.

La actriz Olivia Munn sobre su papel como Psylocke ha comentado que a diferencia de en cómic, que unicamente posee una espada psíquica, en la película tendrá una física y otra mental.

“Yeah, which is why I had to learn to use a regular sword with both hands, so I can switch in between," said Munn. "It's more work for the special effects guys but it's pretty cool. That was actually James McAvoy's idea. He was like, "If you can use both hands,’ he's like, ‘Then you can go, you can switch, you can...’ Because the thing about sword work is that you're always keeping somebody off. Like they don't really know it's happening. You're really throwing people off. Your opponent. He was like, 'Well, you can really throw them off if you're going from your real sword to your psychic sword and then just switching hands and it's just...’ I was like, ‘That sounds awesome."

Y en SlashFilm, el director Bryan Singer habló sobre la posibilidad de que se adapte la saga de Dark Phoenix, asunto que veo improbable, ya que en X-Men: The Last Stand ya se tocó de cierta manera el lado oscuro y muerte de Phoenix.

"The full Phoenix story, I have no idea," he told SlashFilm. "I would have to re-explore that. If it's already been explored, to re-explore and retell it. Plus the Phoenix story in the comic book has the Shi'ar Empire and the moon... As far as the idea of that brewing within [Jean Grey], without giving anything away I would say absolutely that interests me and you may find a piece of that in ['X-Men: Apocalypse']... She's trying to figure out her psychic powers, which are much more powerful than she realizes."

X-Men: Apocalypse se estrena el 27 de mayo.

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