miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016


En el octavo episodio de la cuarta temporada y último de este año de Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. con bastante sorpresa, se revela que la agente May es un androide y que Aida tiene a la autentica apresada.
El productor ejecutivo, Jeb Whedon explica para IGN algunos detalles sobre el tema "Life Model Decoy", en el cual aparte de Ghost Rider se centrará la serie:

“We said it at the beginning of the season that [LMDs] were mimicking human behavior. But Aida took some sort of leap and built a brain of her own and so the real difference is that they represent people that we know and it's not a big robot baddie, and there is some of that obviously, but right now we know that there's one among us who is someone we know."

Marvel´s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. volverá el 10 de enero del 2017.

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