miércoles, 13 de enero de 2021


Kevin Feige, productor principal de Marvel Studios, para Collider, ha hecho oficial que la tercera película de Deadpool será catalogada R dentro del Marvel Cinematic Universe como ya lo fueron las dos anteriores cuando era propiedad de la Marvel de 20th Century Fox.

“It will be rated R and we are working on a script right now, and Ryan’s overseeing a script right now… It will not be filming this year. Ryan is a very busy, very successful actor. We’ve got a number of things we’ve already announced that we now have to make, but it’s exciting for it to have begun. Again, a very different type of character in the MCU, and Ryan is a force of nature, which is just awesome to see him bring that character to life.”

Deadpool 3 no comenzará a rodarse hasta el 2022, lo que quiere decir que lo más probable es que no se estrene hasta el 2024. 

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