miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015


Las expectativas de Warner Bros. son altas respecto al estreno de Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice y Ben Affleck en una entrevista para Variety ha declarado sentirse abrumado por la responsabilidad:

“I think there is a ton of pressure on it, I mean I would be bulls–ting you to say there isn’t.”
“We are a very kind of instant gratification culture when it comes to analyzing the film business. And there is a lot of hyperbole involved. Nonetheless, there’s a lot of pressure on it. If it doesn’t do well, that will be extremely disappointing.”

De todas formas, Ben Affleck es optimista con los resultados que tendrá:

“You’ll see next year they are going to have a great year,” he said. “They are now developing … probably the single greatest under-exploited IP asset in the entertainment business, the DC comic world. And now they have started to exploit that and you are going to see that blossom. And, when it does, it’s going to be massive.”

Además, Ben Affleck tiene planes para dirigir y protagonizar una película en solitario de Batman, tras el estreno de la película de la Justice League en el 2017.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice se estrena el 25 de marzo del 2016.

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