miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021


El veterano actor Ethan Hawke se une al reparto de la serie en preparación de Disney +, Marvel´s Moon Knight.

Se desconoce el rol que interpretará, pero se rumorea que lo más probable es que haga del villano principal. Los villanos de Moon Knight en Marvel Comics son Black Spectre, Jake Fury, Seth The Immortal, Werewolf By Night e incluso Dracula.

Esta es la descripción de la serie dada por Kevin Feige y con Oscar Isaac en el papel protagonista:

"Bringing a whole new different vibe to the MCU, Moon Knight is an action-adventure Indiana Jones-type story coming to life as a Disney Plus series directed by Mohamed Diab. The character Moon Knight is a complex vigilante who suffers from dissociative identity disorder, and these multiple identities that live inside him are very distinct characters in the series. The backdrop of our story is incredible Egyptian iconography. Egyptology is something the world has always been fascinated by, and we are going to tap into it in a fun and bold way in Moon Knight."

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